Cascade GIS presented a poster at URISA’s 2014 GIS in Action Conference in Portland, Oregon, held at Portland State University. This poster was also presented at the NW GIS User Conference in Sunriver, Oregon. We were humbled to have won two first place awards for the poster in the categories of Technical Merit and Spatial Choice. Thank you to all who voted!!
Synopsis: A multidiscipinary team used an integrated approach including HEC-RAS and HEC-GeoRAS hydraulic modeling, geomorphologic and sediment transport analysis, 3D GIS modeling, and extensive GIS analysis and batch processing to identify high flow refugia for outmigrating juvenile salmonids at four preferred restoration sites on the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers in NE Washington. This poster focuses on the application of GIS with other technical approaches. Areas for potential reactivation of the floodplain or relic channels were identified that can provide high flow refugia for juvenile rearing as well as an enhancement of mainstem spawning by reducing fine sediment via deposition in the newly formed backwater areas. Priority options benefitting outmigrating juvenile salmonids (steelhead, Chinook, and sockeye salmon) were provided to the Colville Confederated Tribes (CCT) for restoration. The expected suitable habitat at each enhancement site was derived at those locations where water depths would exceed 0.3 m, and flow velocities would be between 0 and 0.6 m/s. The area of favorable fish habitat in the floodplain at each enhancement site was calculated. The CCT is currently moving forward to build the recommended channels at one of the restoration sites.
The poster was created by Principal/Owner Erica McCormick. Jonathon Campbell and Felix Kristanovich contributed.
For more information, or for a high resolution copy of the poster, please contact